Sunday, July 29, 2012


HOT FUN IN THE SUMMER TIME is an understatement!!!
It was in the high 90's yesterday but we still had an awesome turn out for the walk in Channelside.

It was awesome to see all the dogs playing and cooling off in the many  doggie pools we had set up along the walk's route and even greater seeing them enjoy the "water park".

I would like to thank the following people/entities for helping in making this such a wonderful event:

1. Kathy Nelson from Pibble's to the Rescue for being instrumental in getting this walk together.  Her enthusiasm to keep Pit Bulls Pounding the Pavement alive and active is humbling.

2.  The Owners of the LUXURY BOX who had been warned that Pit Bulls would only bring trouble and they aren't worth the effort yet took the chance on us and who were highly impressed with how wonderfully behaved our dogs were. AWESOME FOOD AND STAFF. We felt very welcomed!

3.  BAY AREA ICE, for providing  over 30 twenty pound bags free of charge for the doggie pools used along the walk route.  Their service was top notch, on time, professional yet very personable.

Please support these companies as much as possible as they are proven supporters of our breed and our cause to promote responsible ownership and positive breed activities.

Please note our next walk will be our PIT BULL AWARENESS WALK in September. Please keep your eyes open for more information.  This is our annual event and this will be an be our"EVENT" of the year!!

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Hello All,

PBPP will be holding a "CASUAL RELAXED" walk on July 28th in ChannelSide, Tampa, hosted by the LUXURY BOX .

Recently there has been a lot of rumbling about a local DJ and his strong anti-pitbull campaign.
We have had  many requests to make this walk a protest against that station.

This is PBPP stance on this issue: 
For many years PBPP has gone toe to toe with this person and the station with minimal success of any long true or long change. Therfore,  WE REFUSE TO WASTE ANYMORE OF  OUR TIME BRINGING ANY MORE ATTENTION TO THIS PERSON , STATION OR SPONSORS. 

PBPP feels that we should focus on and  put our  best efforts into  supporting  those who support us such as radio/TVpersonalities , stations, organizations, and business's that have proven time and again to be true friends to our breed... those who chose to help uplift the breed and their owners.

So saying this ...Please come out Next weekend and just have a nice time supporting our breed and their  wonderful  responsible owners .

Thank you for being a Responsible Owner.

Founder PBPP

Thursday, March 22, 2012


It is with a saddened heart to announce that one of PBPP's most loyal "family" members had a terriable family tragedy on  this   past Tuesday February 13, 2011.

Renae  and Jr. Biggs came home to find their cherished pets perished in fire. All 5 dogs were resued pit bulls, with CGC designations, ambassadors themselves. Everything in their home is gone. We need community support (money) to help them.
On February 13, Renae and Jr Biggs went to the store to get dog food. In the short time that they were gone an electrical fire started in their bedroom. They came home to hear the fire alarm ringing and in a manic rush to save their 5 dogs. They were able to bring all of them out and the fire department tried doing CPR but they were all gone due to smoke inhalation. All 5 were pit bull ambassadors  and were loved by the community. Along with the loss of the dogs they also lost precious family heirlooms that were in the closet next to where the fire started, as well as cash and money orders they were saving for surgeries planned that week. They are devasted, homeless and hearts ripped open over the loss of their "kids". These dogs were their LIVES.  

Ranae and Jr are beloved in this community because they themselves would be the first people to step forward with whatever they had to help another in need. At this time while they grieve for their lost family, lets please make the rest easier on them. Insurance will be helping at some point, but as of midnight on 2/13, EVERYTHING they have is gone. The most urgent need is money, so they can rest easy knowing the mortgage is paid, bills are paid, and get the essentials to survive. They will also need a place to live until their house is restored, could be months.

Please visit the chip in page and make a donation, every single dollar adds up!

For more info, or to make specific donations etc, please email

This family , 2 legged and 4 legged were  and still are ardent advocates for our breed and were shining Ambassadors.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Long time no blog

Hello ...
Due to all the social networking we are now associated with, I have been neglectful of this blog. My new years resolution is to try and keep up on this blog and to publish it in a timely manner.

But this is a new year -2012-..and Yes Pit Bulls Pounding the Pavement Inc is still around and going strong in our community.
I am so glad to say that within the last 4 years since our inception the PIT BULL COMMUNITY has come sooooo far and Pit Bull Awareness in Tampa Bay has practically come full circle. We now almost have too many Pit Bull "experts" in our community.(tongue in cheek lol ). We now have numerous Pit bull rescues, educational organizations and events through out the Tampa Bay Area.
We have always had the full support of Hillsborough County Animal services and I am so proud and happy to say that their adoptions of pit bulls have triple over the years due to all the hard work of some pretty awesome volunteers (who many are original PBPP members)and the backing of the "Heads of the HCAS". They now have the PIT BULL AMBASSADOR PROGRAM, The ADOPT training program and the PIT CREW PROGRAM which is sponored by BEST FRIENDS inc.

Here are some of PBPP's happenings over the pass year or so :

I must start off the updates with very sorrowful news : Brutus - the true reason and  inspiration behind PBPP being founded  passed away on Sept 16, 2011 after a valiant battle with Osteosarcoma (bone) cancer.  He was only 8 years old and was at the prime of his life.  He has been missed tremendously. Everytime I hear that another Pit bull has been adopted from HCAS I have a bittersweet smile on my face as this is how I know his legacy will forever live on and his trials in life was not in vain.  He was my teacher in all things PIT BULL. Please click on the link below the picture  to find out more about how he was so instrumental in saving and rehoming so many Pit bulls in the Tampa Bay area and beyond and to find out more info on Canine Cancer.

This past year PBPP has again held our annual PIT BULLS POUNDING THE PAVEMENT WALK for Pit Bull Awareness month. This year we had over 120 dogs and participants. After the walk we had a big party at Gaspars Grotto with all kinds of doggie contests. It was an awesome event ( I promise to Post pics real soon)!!!! We could have had more but this is a safe number. The safety our dogs is our top priority. We had some pretty awesome dogs and wonderful responsible pit bull educated owners.

We were invited back again for TAMPA'S CHILDREN'S SANTA FEST parade (3rd year) and Pinella's Parks Christmas Night parade (2nd year). Last years parade (2010) we were honored to have BEST FRIENDS representatives join us to help show off our dogs. 
Being invited to participate in these parades is such an honor as the Childrens parade never allowed animals prior to our first appearance, more less pit bulls.  They were so impressed that we are now on the permanent invite lists. I want to send both cities our sincerest thank yous as they have been very instrumental in helping us educate our community on this breed.
Trying to get this blog caught up has made me realize exactly how much PBPP has changed and grown over the years and how much of an impact we have actually had in our community. WOW... sigh..slight smile... WOW....

Thank you to all the wonderful people who helped this community grow and to whom continue to help our breed look forward to much better days .....