Saturday, July 21, 2012


Hello All,

PBPP will be holding a "CASUAL RELAXED" walk on July 28th in ChannelSide, Tampa, hosted by the LUXURY BOX .

Recently there has been a lot of rumbling about a local DJ and his strong anti-pitbull campaign.
We have had  many requests to make this walk a protest against that station.

This is PBPP stance on this issue: 
For many years PBPP has gone toe to toe with this person and the station with minimal success of any long true or long change. Therfore,  WE REFUSE TO WASTE ANYMORE OF  OUR TIME BRINGING ANY MORE ATTENTION TO THIS PERSON , STATION OR SPONSORS. 

PBPP feels that we should focus on and  put our  best efforts into  supporting  those who support us such as radio/TVpersonalities , stations, organizations, and business's that have proven time and again to be true friends to our breed... those who chose to help uplift the breed and their owners.

So saying this ...Please come out Next weekend and just have a nice time supporting our breed and their  wonderful  responsible owners .

Thank you for being a Responsible Owner.

Founder PBPP

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