Saturday, March 21, 2009


Yes Florida is under BSL threat again(UGH!!) with numerous bills currently beING reveiwed by different legislatvie committees..HB 189, and SB 922. These bills follow the findings of an interim report commissioned by the Senate Community Affairs Committee which recommended that local governments be granted the right under their home rule authority to enact breed specific regulations such as registering, muzzling, neutering, or destroying the dog.

SO PBPP held a BSL AWARENSS WALK to bring awareness to this cause on March 14th at Al Lopez Park in Tampa . Please see our website pics at of the walk at and our Myspace site
at for all the wonderful pictures of the event.

PBPP recently spoke with Mr Bill Armstrong and Mr Dennis McCollough (Head of the Departments) at Hillsborough County Animal Services and they made it quite clear that they are going to stand strong on their beliefs that BSL is not the right direction to go, are totally against it and have been taking strong steps and measures to ensure that these current ridiculous BSL legislation do not pass.

HCAS has come a long way in its efforts to support the Bully Breed Community. Many people do not realize the hard and sometimes heartbeaking work that they do for this community but they are here for the Bully Community.
PBPP would like to thank them for their efforts past and present and for their continued support and encourgement.

Please check out a recent news interview with Mr Armstrong telling the news reporter "you think that you will be able to come into my house and take my familly pet..I DONT THINK SO" ..
ROCK ON MR ARMSTRONG!!! PBPP stands behind you!!

PBPP encourages you to write to your state representative and tell them how this would effect you and your family. That this will only effect the responsible onwers. For more information please go to our website page on BSL

Dog Bless to all and thank you for being a responsible owner

Monday, March 2, 2009

Feb's Walk : One Paw Step at a Time

We are:
"Changing the Public's Perception One Paw Step at a Time"

Saturday Feb 28th was our latest monthly dog walk event and it was totally AWESOME. The venue, the people and the dogs were all TOP NOTCH!!
The weather was at times chilly and we had some gusty unpredictable winds but that didn't stop 50+ enthusiastic walkers from coming out to lend their support in the efforts to promote responsible ownership and positive breed/owner image. We got quite a few positive comments, shout outs and honks from the passing vehicles.
After the walk our we all chilled and got to socialize and get to know each other and even got some PITTIE EDUCATION in while our venue and sponsor - THE HIP HOP SODA SHOP bent over backwards to accommodate both the 2 legged and the 4. They really Rocked and we can't thank them enough!!
All in all it was a fantastic day and one of our best walks ever!!.
Thank you to all that came out to support the need to promote responsible ownership !!!!
We hope to see you in two weeks at our next walk on March 14th at Al Lopez Park in Tampa at 3:30PM
take care and DOG Bless
We are:
"Changing the Public's Perception One Dog Paw Step at a Time"